WWASCO Does It Again! Bringing Another Medical Device to Market

April 1, 2022
New York, NY
White Wolf Advisory Services Joins the EKARE Team
White Wolf Advisory Services has joined the EKARE team to spearhead and develop the Northeast corridor of the United States’ wound care segment (The Most Expensive, Least Known Complication in Medicine or Surgery).
After careful market analysis, our CEO, Dr. Kelley Mondesiré determined that this cutting-edge technology needs to be in every single acute, chronic, and home care environment. Dr. Mondesiré is quoted as stating, “This is an exciting time to be a part of the EKARE team. AI (artificial intelligence) is the driving force behind this app (used on an iPhone), and it will help to reduce error, improve patient safety, cut operating costs and maximize clinicians’ valuable time.”
To accomplish this goal, the pack at White Wolf will create roadmaps to penetrate the market and generate sales for this state-of-the-art technology that can help to improve and increase positive patient outcomes. The members of the WWASCO team have created a marketing and sales protocol to share this innovative technology with hospitals, acute, long-term care & hospice facilities, and homecare services along the Northeast corridor. This marketing, branding, & sales strategy will surely create a solid footprint for EKARE and make it the #1 technology used within the wound care industry.
For more on EKARE and how this amazing technology can help your facility jump into the ‘new future of wound care’, contact Dr. Kelley Mondesiré directly at [email protected], call the office at 347.422.1689 and watch the EKARE video that will tell you more!